2008 H.P. Accounts.pdf
Accounts for the
year 31 Dec 07.pdf
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Church Groups
Hope Park and Martyrs Golf Club
House Groups
Junior Badminton
The Music Group
Pastoral Care Group
Pins and Needles
Prayer Chain
Scottish Country Dancing
Social Club
Stratheden Group
Sunday School
The Guild
Young Church
Youth Club
The Church Choir meets on Thursday evenings from 6.45 p.m. to 7.45 p.m. In
addition to leading the Praise in Services ( CH4, Common Ground, Songs for Gods
People) , the Choir sings Anthems covering a wide range of Church Music. A warm
invitation is extended to new members of all ages and all types of voice. Young
people are especially welcome. Contact Ken Greenaway.
This group of approximately 30 "Young Wives" meets on every second Wednesday
from September to June. Their varied programme includes speakers,
demonstrations, fun nights and nights out - bowling, putting, walks, theatre,
cinema and restaurant visits. If this programme appeals to you they would
welcome you as a new member. Contact Flora Falls.
Hope Park and Martyrs Golf Club
Holds afternoon/evening
competitions twice each year during the summer, especially for youngsters.
Contact Jim Gray.
House Groups
Two groups have been
meeting recently. Contact Dorothy Johnson .
Junior Badminton
The Club meets on Saturday mornings from 10.am. to 12 noon. Young people aged
9 to 1`2 years are welcome. Please bring your own racquet. Contact Drew Park.
The Music Group
A group in the congregation who regularly play music for services. Contact
Nigel Orr.
Pastoral Care Group
Arranges visits to
house-bound members of the congregation. Contact Dorothea Morrison.
Pins and Needles
A social group for women in the congregation with interests in sewing and
craft. Meets fortnightly on Monday evenings in the Church Halls. Contact
Margaret Thomson.
Prayer Chain
A group in the congregation who pray for named people in need of support. Contact Elma Cheetham.
The Church magazine,
Roundabout, is published in February, March, April, May, June, September,
October, November and December. Copies are delivered free to members of the
congregation, and spare copies are available in church. Editors are Alan and
Elaine Wilson.
a warm welcome,
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
to those in search of tea or coffee and some very tempting home baking. Over the
lunchtime period we serve some great home made soups, toasties, a dish of the
day, and if you've room after that, a choice of puddings. Come and chat with
Hope Park members, or visitors to the church or to St Andrews. Or sit and read
the newspapers, magazines or books we provide. Our manager, Maureen Johnston,
works with a number of volunteers to run the cafe. If you would like
join our volunteers, please contact Mrs Pearl Harrison.
Scottish Country Dancing
Meets weekly at 7.45 on Wednesdays in the Church Halls between
September and May for all those who wish to begin, brush up or extend their
Scottish Country Dancing. Contact Dorothy Howie.
Social Club
Meets on a Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. between September and April at 7p.m. to
play carpet bowls in the Church Hall. Contact Wray MacArthur.
Stratheden Group
Visits Stratheden Hospital each month from October to April on a Tuesday evening
to chat with and entertain patients. Contact : Sam Taylor.
Sunday School
For children of
primary-school age or younger. Meets on Sunday mornings between September and
June. Children attend the first part of the 10 a.m. service and leave thereafter
for Sunday School activities in the Church Halls. The Superintendent is
Grace Morris.
The Guild
A social group for
members of the congregation, which meets monthly from September to March on
Monday evenings. Contact Sandra Constable .
A monthly stall sells
Traidcraft goods. Contact Allan Gordon.
Young Church
For children of secondary-school age. Meets on Sunday mornings between
September and June.
Children attend the first part of the 10 a.m. service and leave thereafter for
their own activities in the Church Halls. Contact Nigel Orr.
Youth Club
For children of
secondary-school age. Meets on Sundays evenings between October and May at 7.30
in the Church Halls. Contact to be advised.